這部電影講述了1941年10月波多爾斯克軍校學員在莫斯科郊外英勇抵抗的故事。波多爾斯克步兵和炮兵學校的學員被派往伊林斯基防線,與蘇聯第43軍的部隊并肩作戰,阻止德軍的前進,直到增援部隊到達。由于寡不敵眾,這些年僅十多歲的年輕人在一場持續近兩周的戰斗中獻出了自己的生命。這場戰 斗旨在阻止遠為優勢的德國軍隊向莫斯科推進。這部電影不僅關于戰爭。它也關乎愛情,真正的友情,以及從童年到成年的道路。大約3500名學員和他們的指揮官被派去堅守莫斯科郊外的最后一道防線。他們大多數人永遠留在那里。
2023 戰爭簡介: Young female fighter pilots arrive to the frontline. They have different stories and different fates. They are getting older, falling in love and lose their closest ones as well as take their place in the world of men. The air has become their home. However, at war no one knows whose fate is to live and who is doomed to die.
- 6.0 戰火中的小狐貍
2021 戰爭簡介: This is a story of a PVC awardee brave Indian soldier - Capt. Vikram Batra, who shot to fame and became a household name during the Kargil War in 1999. His indomitable spirit and his unflinching courage in chasing the Pakistani soldiers out of Indian territory contributed immensely in India finally winning the Kargil War in 1999.
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