1923年,日本秋田縣大館市天降大雪,近藤家純種秋田犬產(chǎn)仔,贈與縣土木科長間瀨。后者將其中一犬轉(zhuǎn)贈東京帝國大學(xué)教授上野秀次郎(仲代達(dá)矢 Tatsuya Nakadai 飾)馴養(yǎng)。上野的獨生女千鶴子對此歡欣鼓舞,而上野夫婦卻面露難色。后來,千鶴子(石野真子 Mako Ishino飾)談戀愛,竟懷了男友的孩子。男友專程登門造訪。上野與之對談,后者誠惶誠恐,坦言要對其女兒負(fù)責(zé),事不宜遲,即日便舉行婚禮,上野聞聽此言,轉(zhuǎn)怒為喜。千鶴子出嫁后,上野旋即把全部的心血與愛都投注在幼犬身上,并取名為阿八。每日上下班,阿八必在澀谷車站等候,一年四季,風(fēng)雨無阻,令路人嘆為觀止,成為地方一道風(fēng)景,主仆之情感動天地…… 本片根據(jù)真實事件改編,為1987年日本票房冠軍,票房成績高達(dá)54億日元。
- 9.0 犬吠
2024 劇情簡介:Billed as an allegory about America’s fractured politics and culture, the film follows Simon, an up-and-coming commentator whose world is turned upside down when his best friend and debate opponent suffers a fatal heart attack. Simon refuses to leave the spotlight at an annual thought-leader summit, leading to an obsession with his new opponent and a growing rift with his ailin...
2024 劇情簡介:Il film restituisce un ritratto intimo ed emozionante della grande astrofisica italiana classe 1922, vero modello di emancipazione ed eccezionale autenticità. Il film ripercorre la vita della ricercatrice fiorentina, da bambina autonoma e curiosa a ragazza libera e anticonformista, fino a diventare la prima donna a dirigere l’Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste.
- 5.0 加拿大狙擊手
- 8.0 雄獅歸來
- 2.0 世界奇妙物語2024冬季特別篇